Ancient Worlds

Drawn from Auckland Museum's own collections, Ancient Worlds shows how much all of the world's people have in common. Tools needed to butcher game, harvest crops, catch fish and work fibres and timber must meet the same requirements everywhere. But the artistic creativity of different societies could take them in very different directions.

Most of what we know of our ancestors for almost all of human existence is told by their arts and artefacts left to us. These date back to simple stone tools 2,500,000 years old found in Africa. In the long Palaeolithic era that followed (Palaeo = old; lithic = stone) simple tools were fashioned from chipped stone to provide an effective cutting edge, food was hunted and gathered from wild animals and plants.

Ancient Worlds

Ancient Worlds

The first domestication of plants and animals took place ca 11-10,000 BCE in south-west Asia, probably triggered by the end of the Ice Age not long before. The Agricultural or Neolithic Revolution was based on maintaining and harvesting plants and animals for future food supplies. Genetic improvement took place by conscious or unconscious human selection. Increased food production led to population growth. Important plants were wheat, barley and millet.

Sheep and goats were the first animals to be domesticated followed by and cattle and pigs. In other parts of the world the process was similar but could be based on different plants and animals.

Five or six thousand years ago in a few places where conditions allowed, Neolithic farmers first gave way to more complex societies. It was the development of irrigation especially that allowed for intensive farming and thus further population growth, leading to new social and political structures. Egypt is the greatest example. Common feature of these societies was the city and literacy, and a complex division of labour which included artists who created many of the items shown here for privileged political, religious and merchant classes.

Reading a vase

Reading a vase

People have always found a way to tell stories. As well as the oral and written traditions; music, performance and art have been used through the ages. One particularly beautiful form of storytelling can be found in Ancient Greek vase painting. Combining the poetic with the practical, Greek vases can depict myths, legends, or stories through the use of symbols and people easily recognisable to contemporary audiences. In this article, Deirdre Harrison Collection Manager, Archaeology, examines a well-known tale depicted on a hydria from our collection.

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