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Guidelines and Terms of Use

Contribution of content

We welcome submission of data and image and document files. You can find the terms covering the contribution of content in our legal section. Please take a moment to read them before you upload any materials to this website. 

Auckland Museum uses Digital New Zealand’s Make it Digital guidelines. These tips will help you create digital copies of your photos and documents that will shine in Online Cenotaph.

Walter Douglas McConachie in training.

Walter Douglas McConachie in training.

Kindly added to Online Cenotaph by daughter Heather, 9 June 2019.No known copyright restrictions.

Uploading documents

You can upload documents in plain text (TXT), PDF, and Microsoft Office file formats at a maximum file size of 8MB per document. 

Moderation guidelines

All user-generated content is automatically published.

User-generated content is clearly marked as a Public Source. It is not actively moderated. If you find contributions that cause offence or contravenes copyright you can click on the report button.

Community guidelines

The purpose of these guidelines is to develop and maintain a standard of behaviour that supports and enables Online Cenotaph and Pou Maumahara’s commitment to be a safe, inclusive, equitable and respectful service both online and in person.

We all agree to behave in ways that make our Online Cenotaph staff, volunteers and contributors feel safe, inclusive and equitable for all​. For us, this means that:

  • We uphold the mana of taonga: this is about safeguarding the mana of the Taonga. There is also the potential to enhance the mana of the Taonga, when it is connected with commemoration, stories and the iwi it is related to. As a part of this we reserve the right to remove contributions that erode the mana of our service personnel and their whanaunga.
  • We respect the ultimate authority of mana whenua: it guides us in our obligations to our source communities, whether they are defined or implicit. Our duty of care is to uphold the mana of the communities that are associated with our Māori service personnel, images and data no matter whether the connections are active or latent. We apply a wide understanding of ownership and do our best to identify all iwi and interests and relationships. 
  • While the content on Online Cenotaph is openly licensed, we refer requests for images to the owners or relevant iwi/hapū if they are known. This is out of courtesy and in good faith to ensure we whakamana our service personnel and their whanaunga. Our approach is to assist the requester where it is reasonable to do so. This aligns with the Museum's Cultural Permissions processes.​
  • We respect the vā between Online Cenotaph and our contributors. We undertake this through meaningful engagement and relationship building based on reciprocity, respect and mutual trust. As a part of this we make every effort to inform our contributors if notes are to be used in commemorative events, publications and exhibitions.


Words, terms, and descriptions

Online Cenotaph users should be aware that certain words, terms or descriptions may be culturally sensitive and may be considered inappropriate today, but may have reflected the author’s / creator’s attitude or that of the period in which they were written.

Online Cenotaph collects information and data from publically available official sources and contributions from third parties in order to create a national biographical database recording and preserving the memories and honouring the lives of New Zealanders who served in international conflict. 

We collect data on the service experiences of people still living. Participating and contributing data to Online Cenotaph is entirely voluntary. Individuals featured on Online Cenotaph have the right to ask for a printed or digital copy of any information we hold about them. They may also ask to have it removed, or corrected if wrong. We will make every effort to not collect or display information on living people submitted by third parties unless they have agreed. 

If you would like a copy of your information or have it removed or corrected, please contact Pou Maumahara Memorial Discovery Centre on +64 09 309 0443 or contact us by visiting this page.