Museum Anzac Red Lighting

Commemorate from Home

Unable to attend in-person commemorations? This page brings you a range of additional ways to engage in remembrance. 

Information about in-person commemorative events will be made available closer to Anzac Day 2025. 

Lest We Forget Poetry Competition 2024

For 2024's annual Lest We Forget poetry competition, writers were invited to respond to the theme of Local Stories. The competition was open to all ages, and we received over 100 entries. The Museum would like to acknowledge our late sponsor, Michele Mann for her generous support of this programme.

Each of the eight finalists received a $150 Westfield giftcard and a voucher for the Tuitui Museum Bistro & Café.

Click through to watch the finalists' poetry readings. 






Things to do

Explore creative ways your household can get involved this Anzac Day

Things to watch

Discover Auckland Museum's original videos

Things to read

As Auckland's War Memorial Museum we work year round to commemorate our service personnel through new articles and stories. 

Return from War: The Impact of the 1918 Influenza Pandemic on First World War Veterans

Return from War: The Impact of the 1918 Influenza Pandemic on First World War Veterans

As New Zealand's servicepeople returned home from the First World War they were faced with the rise of an influenza pandemic. It killed thousands of New Zealanders, and many soldiers. These are the stories of two of those men.

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