This gigantic art installation by artists Will Ngakuru and Nicole Charles, located in the heart of the Imaginarium, highlights the complexity and fragility of nature on a grand scale. It invites us to examine our relationship with and place in Te Taiao, while encouraging us to acknowledge, respect and protect this world we call home.

The name Haumanu means to revive, to restore to health. It is made up of two kupu (words): 'hau' meaning breath, air or wind; and 'manu', meaning bird. Created using the same techniques that have been used to build waka for generations, Haumanu is lashed together from many trees to form one mighty whole.

Haumanu's full title includes a question: 'Will you breathe for me?'. The tree is starting a conversation, reminding us that humans are just one small part of a vast network of life.

As you explore Haumanu's world, you'll discover all sorts of sounds and hidden surprises. Don't forget to look up at the canopy – can you spot the tohu (designs)?