To continue to foster a beneficial relationship as envisaged by the Auckland War Memorial Museum Act 1996, the Trust Board and the Taumata-ā-Iwi acknowledge the following:
1. The Trust Board acts in the interest of the Museum at all times.
2. The Trust Board exercises trusteeship over the Museum / Te Papa Whakahiku, and all treasures and trusts within its care.
3. The Trust Board recognises the spirit of partnership and goodwill envisaged by the Treaty of Waitangi.
4. The Trust Board recognises the principle of mana whenua with regard to Te Papa Whakahiku and its taonga.
5. The Trust Board recognises the principle of mana whenua in making appointments to the Taumata-ā-Iwi.
6. The Trust Board and Taumata-ā-Iwi have trusteeship obligations toward ngā iwi o te motu.
7. The Trust Board will seek advice from the Taumata-ā-Iwi on ways of ensuring that the Board's policies relating to:
I. Custodial policies and guardianship of all Māori taonga of whatever kind and tribal source;
II. Staffing policies, including taking affirmative action in recruitment and training programmes, which will lead Māori people into professional careers in New Zealand´s bicultural museums;
III. Display policies, including presentation of Māori taonga to the public in a culturally appropriate and informative manner; and
IV. Development policies, including protection of both the substance and status of Māori taonga in any Museum plan; give proper regard to Māori values, and those matters provided for in the Treaty of Waitangi.
8. The Trust Board recognises the right of the Taumata-ā-Iwi to give advice on all matters of Māori protocol.
9. The Trust Board recognises the value of a direct relationship with the Taumata-ā-Iwi, and will encourage hui where that is identified as being appropriate.
10. In giving effect to its special relationship with the Taumata-ā-Iwi, the Trust Board recognises the following principles:
I. The right of the Taumata-ā-Iwi to advise the Trust Board;
II. The principle of partnership;
III. The principle of Trusteeship;
IV. Active protection to ensure physical and cultural safety;
V. Resolution of past misunderstandings.
11. Where the Trust Board requests or the Taumata-ā-Iwi provides formal advice to the Trust Board, that request or advice shall be in writing and shall clearly state:
I. The grounds for that advice;
II. Any alternative means or options required or available;
III. Whether, and on what basis, recommendations are to be made; and
IV. The implications of not accepting the advice.
12. The Trust Board recognises that the Tumuaki Māori Director has a dual role with respect to the Trust Board and the Taumata-ā-Iwi:
I. As a member of executive management reporting through the Director to the Trust Board;
II. As a provider of services and advice to the Taumata-ā-Iwi, and consulting with it on such other matters as are delegated to the Tumuaki Māori from time to time by the Director.