The Museum offers an image order service where copyright and cultural permissions guidelines allow, which you can read more about here.
Additionally, where appropriate, images that are openly licensed and public domain are available for high-resolution download by the public. These downloads are available through digital partnership platforms such as Flickr, Pinterest, GBIF and Wikimedia Commons. Alternatively, images can be directly downloaded from an object’s page on Collections Online or Online Cenotaph.
Clicking on an image will usually reveal copyright information within the caption. Labels such as "No Known Copyright Restrictions” and “Auckland Museum CC-BY” and are all positive indicators that an image is available for sharing and adapting with certain restrictions outlined here.
If an image is labelled with “All rights reserved”, “Copyright Undetermined – Untraced Rights Owner”, or “Cultural Permissions Apply” the image is available for viewing, but not for high-resolution download or commercial use.
In some instances, object imagery will not be available to view online: this could be due to many factors, including reduction of risk in compromising sensitive location data (this is most relevant to our natural science specimens in ‘endangered’ or ‘at risk’ categories) or quite simply we may have just not photographed this object yet.
Additionally, Tāmaki Paenga Hira’s Cultural Permissions Processes protect Māori and Pacific objects and subject matter across the collection. Please refer to the cultural permissions guidelines for more information.
If you see something that does not look right regarding the images on our website, or if have any questions about the rights and permissions of an image within our collection, please contact our Imaging and Permissions team at [email protected].