Uncover the story of Auckland Museum's mummy, and how we got our 2000 ancient Egyptian taonga. 


The Amp: Episode 5, Collecting Egypt

Collecting Egypt

The Mummy in our Te Onamata Ancient Worlds gallery has come a long way from her home in Ancient Egypt, and on her journey she lost something really important - her name. In this episode of The Amp we hear the incredible tale of the work done to reunite the mummy with her identity. We also explore the ways we've acquired taonga from ancient Egypt, and what comes next as our role as kaitiaki evolves.



Click here to read the original blog post about Souser-iret-binet on our website.  

Click here to read a blog from Dr Josh Emmitt about how Auckland Museum got its Egypt collection.  

You can read Louise and Josh’s more detailed paper about the Egypt collection, which was published in Records of Auckland Museum 53 here   

Read an article from Gail Romano about some of the other items that soldiers brought back from the two World Wars, it includes lots of photos of these items and of the soldiers.   

Visit Souser-iret-binet in Te Onamata Ancient Worlds gallery next time you’re at the Museum.  


This podcast was brought to you by Tāmaki Paenga Hira Auckland War Memorial Museum. It was written and produced by Laura Skerritt and Steph Strock. Steph also hosted the episode.  Sound design by Sara O’Brien. The executive producer was Teresa Cowie from Connect Content. Thanks to our guests, Dr Louise Furey, Dr Josh Emmitt and Gail Romano.  



Orchestra-Tetouan-Asmir-07.wav by xserra -- https://freesound.org/s/182730/ -- License: Attribution 4.0 
Other SFX/Music used with appropriate permissions/licence from Epidemic, Soundsnap, BBC library, Internet Archive, Sara O’Brien, AWMM SFX Library.  
The Sound of the Nile in Al-Minya by AhmadAiuby -- https://freesound.org/s/667376/ -- License: Creative Commons 0 
press.WAV by DisasterServices -- https://freesound.org/s/252793/ -- License: Creative Commons 0 
Painting and Brushing Sounds.wav by 15050_Francois -- https://freesound.org/s/325761/ -- License: Attribution NonCommercial 3.0 
Write - Old parchment or papyrus by Vrymaa -- https://freesound.org/s/753202/ -- License: Creative Commons 0 
EgyptianDrum-loop with delay 120bpm.aif by MieliTietty -- https://freesound.org/s/612545/ -- License: Creative Commons 0 
egyption darbouka,100bpm.mp3 by ajubamusic -- https://freesound.org/s/320801/ -- License: Attribution 3.0 
GoatsInTheDust.wav by acclivity -- https://freesound.org/s/15435/ -- License: Attribution NonCommercial 4.0 
Traditional Mezmar in Attaba - Cairo by AhmadAiuby -- https://freesound.org/s/683129/ -- License: Creative Commons 0 
Opening the sarcophagus by Breviceps -- https://freesound.org/s/457529/ -- License: Creative Commons 0 
arab-group-2.wav by xserra -- https://freesound.org/s/186702/ -- License: Attribution 4.0 


Click any of the links below to view the items on Collections Online and find out more about them.

Soldiers at Giza. 67683 (Presto content ID) PH-TECH-925-154 (Reference Number) D531 T9 G539 (Library of Congress Call Number) 153611 (DBTextworks system ID)

BeadsCollection of Tāmaki Paenga Hira Auckland War Memorial Museum 1925.129