Sit back, relax, and let our collections do the talking. 

Explore Te Ao Mārama, your new South Atrium

The doors are now open to Te Ao Mārama. Explore the new space, meet the artists who crafted our new artworks, and learn about how tikanga works in the space.

Dr Espen Knutsen on the origins of Sea Monsters

Dr Espen Knutsen, Senior Curator of Palaeontology at Queensland Museum Network and one of the key developers of the Sea Monsters exhibition, spoke to Auckland Museum Members via Zoom about the origins of the prehistoric ocean predators that feature in the exhibition..


Dr Knutsen’s talk was previously only available to our Members. Paid Memberships offer a range of exclusive benefits, including discounts and invitations to exciting Members-only events.

Click here to learn more about becoming a Museum Member.

Volcanoes of Auckland

A collation of volcano videos Auckland Museum has made over the years, including some featured in our Volcanoes gallery.

Time Travellers

Kids stories from when the HMB Endeavour arrived in Aoteaoroa New Zealand in 1769.

Cool jobs

Check out some of the amazing activities Auckland Museum staff get up to every day with this playlist!